Saturday, September 10, 2016

Drokna - The Lost Chapters Of Beholgnar - Book 2 - Chapter 1

                                                          Chapter 1
                                                      All But Normal
The mild hot simmer of sunshine on Beholgnars previously destructive rebel piles that had spread about the ruination being picked and re-used as Magi The Twenty Second awaited the center of where her throne will be,gobs of burnt stoned brick that had made up the castles structure,with her mind clear,to avoid confusion.Summer had came in a hurry,but the battle alert system still had smoked and the afternoon sun held its heat.Breathing deeply,she had shown the newly made rebuild plans.
The calm women took a stone pot of water and drank it without so much as even a dash of worry,but she had taken another deep breath before handing it over to one of her workers named eddie to drink and then hand to the others,then she had returned to the center once again to wait for the construction of her throne.It was a great area and spacious."Not yet finished your highness". Hardly ever is it easy to see her highness.
This afternoon,guarded and not accepting any new consults,tied up in the rebuild from her crown to her bossom,though she put on a great argument,how to place this and how to put that,endless knots with an untied looser end to configure,that she knew of.
The rebuild did not stop her concerns,yet Drokna had at least one that was at his attention with a stone pillar that had been re-made by hand with a bucket load of water and then dried in the afternoon heat up in the air with twenty of the Twenty Second Regiments men controlling how it would flop with ropes made of tall-grass leaved and spun together to hold a strength that is equal to hemp when it is done the same way.The queen did not worry herself about The Twenty Second Regiments detail in there works,she knew that there creativity is what makes the craft of the kingdom great.
The creative embroidery of a number of things created creatively and is what gives The Land Of Greatness and The Thirteen Kingdoms its unique artistical features,"blast".
There was nothing more un-artistical than that for any eye that had set a foot upon the kingdom,had been since the beginning.
Drokna and the others,five new heroic knights of Beholgnar, had been awakened to begin there nightly shift on a turn based schedule maintained by Albert The Twenty First - a bunch of pillars set one by one in a square fifteen hundred feet from each other - in any night it would be a long and hard night.Was any other ruler in greatness monitored by twenty or more of the world of Merths finest knights.She had fought to sleep too. His minions who are now great heroics themselves were most meek and collective to her highness's needs and it seems that they are more comfortable with her in the lead.Many and Hulio,most compliant per-say,seemed to find it easier than before. The queen Magi The Twenty Second did not.In the last up-teen years since the destruction and the ruination era,the kingdoms had not seen filled of more life in Magi The Twenty Seconds eyes. Her last set of orders had been fulfilled and had she informed of new ones after her throne was ready to seat her.
She loved it when Albert The Twenty Second reminded her of how her eyes had made him tingly inside.
Only Drokna had looked at her in that way.She knew it in her heart.Preparing a proposal from either one and it could anytime become real.She had been in charge of the rebuild for over a week now,though she cannot recall exactly how much had been accomplished in that week.
At certain moments it had seemed that the re-build was going to take longer than planned.
This concerned her.She stuck firm with her orders.She would have newer ones soon.It was her duty.
Prior to, Albert The Twenty Second had stayed up and tried seduce her.Why is it he had not been caught? The workers had been working overtime for quite awhile,now. He would not of seduced her.
He had to sneak around to avoid being caught. Prior she was un-willing.
Are you sneaking around the queens quarters,Albert The Twenty Second? Drokna accused,occasionally checking the queens room door. Drokna was back and forth and about frequently ,fast and pist off.
Yesterday, she had made his face blush red and she had grabbed his steel hard intentionally,Drokna had to hurry the workers to keep working. That works swell when your brain is headed toward the moon.
Many,he had been with Hulio ever since the queens quarters had seen almost finished,but her project still had required some finishing touches.His Temptest kneeling near the statue of a Beholgarian heroic knight,tears running down his cheek,his daily wear a-soaking.He wore the standard mages robe candy apple red with a black hood,a bronze buckle belt and seemed more in with the scenery than the actual scenery. Only a scar had remained of his forehead.Every bit of him is the scene described.Magi The Twenty Second had seen him,he had looked only older than in potter portrait and a bit more colorful. That had been expected for the age of the vase she compared him to. Not a whole lot of a difference in facial texture and some would not agree nor disagree.In all that is said and done,she had a piece of history that had survived the ruination era,but how come it was not ruined?
Magi had asked herself this question frequently and had saved the vase because of it, Drokna's mind was clear and focused,now and fixed on his reaction to her highness's curiosity.The sick water must have kept him alive,only aging a year for every thirty that had went by,miraculant for an leader and an prior wrong-doer of a mage.Anyone to cross his path other than a heroic or a power of another greater power was surely to be a boiled chicken.For the last day or two Magi The Twenty Second had been trying to find closure for his wrong-doing's,scratching her leg and hurrying the production as she could not sleep very well and everyday Albert The Twenty First had made it harder for her.Whenever she began to heal,Albert seduced her.
Magi The Twenty Second heard from Many that Hulio had witnessed it and it was only a matter of time before Drokna The Twenty Second would confront him about it,but he had stopped prior to that to avoid a confrontation.Drokna The Twenty Second nearly a fair in the height as most Beholgarian men,sharpened his blade  nearly every night before bed with a solid heroic background and a well known reputation in all of Greatness,seemed more heroic than he was with magic,his helm always worn and only a few Beholgarians had set there eyes upon his face,Magi The twenty Second Favored Drokna The twenty First in this age far more than Albert The Twenty First.
Drokna The Twenty Second might soon have him punished for a slip up,but Magi The Twenty Second could defeat him herself for she is far more powerful for a queen.She surely would if Drokna The Twenty Second had failed to defeat him if he ever had a challenge put upon him concerning her to the throne.So long as not a scratch or bruise is on her.
The front of her unmarked just leaves only room to question rape.No tears upon her face.Magi The Twenty Second ignored her own pains.It was not polite to watch,she had always thought.Even if she had managed to build Beholgnar in time,could some other wrong-doing still exist?She had shown every sign that there was.That was there fear as well,but they had to be calm to dodge a panic.
Would Magi The Twenty Second be hiding an evil that she fears of?She had already declared Beholgnar free of wrong-doings,if Albert The Twenty First failed to use the staff,Wrong-doing would have been the end of  Greatness,yet that is not the case,but could of been,or even worse if had been.
Magi The Twenty Second ignored her thoughts.It was a troubling matter to even begin to think about it and the other possibilities would only of made them ever more troubling.Even if she managed to think about losing the staff of Beholgnar,could be the end of Greatness and would they of made it this far?She gave every hint of being worried.That was an unacceptable thought,but a worker needed to be working and nothing else.
Question is would Albert The Twenty First be seducing her to try to obtain the staff to give to his Temptest?Nonsence she had greaved.He had shown no interest of betrayal,if Magi The First had failed to find The Staff Of Beholgnar she would not be The Queen Of Greatness and The Great Kingdom Of Beholgnar.It will not be forever,of coarse.
It would be Drokna The Twenty Second and Albert The Twenty First to lead the next two kingdoms of the re-build,yet without the workers finished they would have to wait a bit longer.Magi The Twenty Second prayed to rule over them,but she knew without them she would not be the most powerful in all of Greatness,so much to do,if she could get it all done in time.
Whoa, a light!, up there in the sky headed for The Wrong-Lands,its a good mile or so wide if not more,"Drokna The Twenty Second,Albert The twenty First,"sease this light find it before it finds us!
Yes your highness,they had said simultainiously as they had started for the exit of Beholgnar."She is not usually concerned like that ",Drokna The Twenty Second had muttered,hurrying on the dirt road with his orders,"lets be careful,even with that crown on her head it seems a tad too concerned."Albert The Twenty Second had shook his head notice-ably.
For some reason the queen did not understand what it was that she had saw,it was very important to Albert The Twenty Second as to what it was that they were being ordered into.He had even suggested the same thing Drokna The Twenty Second did,"to be careful."Drokna The Twenty Second Regimentor?"I have not eaten yet!Will you eat some of my dried venison?Yes!,he had said firmly,"i will eat anything."

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